ORF clones
Gateway-adapted, sequence-verified ORF Clones
MGC premier ORF Collections provide a comprehensive resource of fully annotated, sequence-verified entry ORFs derived from collections generated by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute-Center for Cancer Systems Biology (in collaboration with the Broad Institute) and the international ORFeome Collaboration (OC). The ORF clones are provided in Gateway adapted entry vectors for fast and convenient transfer to any compatible expression vector. Open Reading Frame (ORF) clones contain only the protein coding sequence allowing for the addition of fusion tags.
Product Highlights:
- Gateway entry vectors – easily transfer to any compatible expression vector
- Available with and without stop codons
- Available as individual clones, gene family and pathway libraries, whole genome libraries and custom rearrays
- Expression-ready cloning vectors available with multiple fusion tag options to create your expression-ready tagged ORF
- Custom cloning and lentiviral packaging services available
Lentiviral ORF Clones – Expression ready, V5 tagged
MGC premier human lentiviral ORF collection was developed through the collaborative efforts of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, The Broad Institute and the Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB). For added convenience the lentiviral ORF expression vector was created to enable expression of a protein of interest with a V5 fusion tag for western blot detection, purification, co-immunoprecipitation, protein localization and FACS analysis.
- Ready-to-express with a V5 tag
- Fully sequenced, with a perfect match to its parent accession.
- Lentiviral particle formats available
- Human genome
- Blasticidin resistance marker may be used in combination with vectors using the more common puromycin marker
- Custom cloning service available for mouse and rat species
Entry ORF and Lentiviral ORF schematics
Gateway Cloning
Gateway cloning is a recombination-based method for quickly and efficiently creating vectors expressing tagged or native open reading frames (ORFs).

Lentiviral ORF Expression Vector
Schematic of lentiviral ORF expression vector. The lentiviral vector facilitates delivery as plasmid (transfection) or as viral particles (transduction) to dividing or non-dividing cells expanding the number of applications for overexpression.

ORF libraries
MGC premier ORF Libraries are genome-scale Gateway-adapted collections developed by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute-Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB Human ORFeome Collection) using the most rigorous sequencing process ensuring the highest sequence quality and confidence.
- Complete whole genome collections
- Extended ORFeome v8.1 Library available
- Lentiviral ORF library – includes over 13,000 ORFs
- Available with or without stop codons
MGC premier human ORFeome Collaboration Library
MGC premier human ORFeome Collaboration Library currently represents 9,804 genes with 16,581 clones. The majority of the ORFeome collaboration targets were generated by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute-Center for Cancer Systems Biology (DFCI-CCSB). These full-length, annotated and sequence verified ORFs originate from the existing collection of MGC premier full-length human cDNA clones and have been transferred into Gateway Entry vectors as a ready to use resource for recombinant protein expression. For additional convenience and versatility the ORF clones are available in two formats, with and without stop codons. The ORF clones without stop codons facilitate the synthesis of either C- or N- terminal fusion proteins and clones with stop codons enable the synthesis of native proteins in addition to N-terminal fusion proteins.
The MGC premier ORFeome Collaboration Collection is also available for the mouse genome and represents 1,434 genes with 1,956 clones.
MGC premier human ORFeome v8.1 Library
MGC premier human ORFeome version 8.1 (hORFeome v8.1) is the newest version of the human ORFeome developed by the Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB). This collection is derived from the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC) and contains over 12,071 clonally-derived ORFs that represent 11,016 human genes. Each ORF clone in the collection has been verified by next generation sequencing and is provided in Gateway adapted entry vector for fast and convenient transfer to any compatible expression vector.
MGC premier Human ORFeome Complete Library – ORFeome Collaboration Collection + ORFeome v8.1 Library
MGC premier human ORFeome Complete Collection is our most extensive entry ORF library and includes both the ORFeome v8.1 and ORFeome Collaboration Collections. This collection provides unique, non-overlapping content and represents 14,918 genes with 22,057 clones.
MGC premier Lentiviral ORF Expression Library
This human Lentiviral ORF Expression Library was developed through the collaborative efforts of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, The Broad Institute and the Center for Cancer Systems Biology (CCSB). The collection, which includes over 13,000 ORFs that represent approximately 11,373 genes, provides the most fully sequenced and annotated version of the human ORFeome available. For added convenience the lentiviral ORF expression vector was created to enable expression of a protein of interest with a V5 fusion tag for western blot detection, purification, co-immunoprecipitation, protein localization and FACS analysis.
Please contact us on info@moldiag.in for further details and purchase of ORF clones.